6 to 8 weeks, Elon Musk? Try 6 to 8 months!! FAA Starship update, plus the latest from ULA!

After nearly four months, SpaceX has finally submitted their mishap report to the FAA! So why do people think that a government agency is going to take less than four months to review it, submit corrective actions, review those actions once they’re finished, and issue a new launch permit? Plus, Vulcan Centaur may actually fly before the end of the year!!
#space #nasa #spacex

Please support my North America Tour! Opening date is Aug. 12 in Polk City!
A $10 donation is good for one ticket, plus a free digital copy of my book. You can use Paypal, Patreon or my gofundme. Please include your email address so I can send you your ticket.
The rest of the tour runs from Late August thru September (exact dates coming soon) and includes Norfolk, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Toronto, Flagstaff, Denver and Los Angeles. More locations coming soon! (Please note that this fund was previously focused on my move to Europe, which is now funded.)

[email protected]

Author: MuskMan Editor

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