All laugh at Elon Musk! Starship $2M/launch, $5B investments…

All laugh at Elon Musk! Starship $2M/launch, $5B investments…
Caelan Animation:
Christian Debney:

Stanley Creative:
Tamás Török ( Tamas Torok ):

Kevin Randolph:
Elon Musk said: “Starship $2M/launch, $5B investments”! All laugh at him…

Elon Musk – the world’s wealthiest billionaire now, is renowned for his audacious and imaginative statements. One of his most astonishing claims pertains to the price of Starship launches when the spacecraft enters regular operation: a mere $2 million.
Yeah only $2, can you believe this?
Honestly, when he said this, everyone laughed at him…
SpaceX will have even spent $5 billion or more on its Starship vehicle and launch infrastructure by the end of this year.
So, what the cost of a Starship launch might be when it is launching regularly?
Discuss everything about this in today’s episode of Alpha Tech:

SpaceX achieved a significant milestone on Monday, June 26, as it successfully performed a static-fire test of Starship SN25, the upper-stage prototype intended for the second flight attempt to orbit. The test took place at 7:27 p.m. Central Time at SpaceX’s Starbase Texas launch facility; it involved igniting all six of SN25’s Raptor engines for approximately five seconds. Static fire tests are routine pre-launch procedures that verify the functionality and performance of a rocket’s engines while the vehicle remains firmly grounded to the launch mount.
“Key milestone completed for flight 2,” SpaceX founder Chief Engineer Elon Musk said after the test ignition.
This is also the “prelude to Mars”, Musk added.
Well, when Starship goes fluently, it will really change the way we go to space.

Most importantly, by fully reusing the vehicle and eliminating any need to discard expensive flight hardware, the cost reductions to SpaceX would likely be great.

Musk himself has stated that SpaceX’s costs could be as low as $2M per launch, while analysts have suggested that something around $10 million might be more reasonable.
At a $10 million cost per launch, putting 100 tons of payload into orbit would come to about $100/kg. The current cost to SpaceX for a Falcon 9 launch is likely somewhere around $3,400/kg and so Starship’s cost per kg is potentially a full order of magnitude or more improvement.
As a result, it seems understandable why some think that Starship is going to change the game.
All laugh at Elon Musk! Starship $2M/launch, $5B investments…

Author: MuskMan Editor

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