To avoid Starship exploding, SpaceX did this…

To avoid Starship exploding, SpaceX did this…
1, Sources of music
2, Sources of thumbnail
Erc X:
3, Sources of images and videos
NASA Video:
Cosmic Perspective:
Everyday Astronaut:
C-bass Productions:
ErcX Space:
Erc X:
Ryan Hansen Space:
Starbase Surfer:
David Willis:
Roscosmos TV:
Kevin Randolph/WAI:
Project Road to Mars:
Tamás Török/ @tomket7:
Everyday Astronaut:
Trevor Mahlmann:
Elon Musk:
Ryan Hansen Space:
Starship Gazer:
Starship Gazer:
To avoid Starship exploding, SpaceX did this…
SpaceX’s triumphant journey is a testament to embracing bold risks. Elon Musk once recounted, “When we started SpaceX, they said, ‘Oh, you are going to fail.’ And I said, ‘Well, I agree. I think we probably will fail.'”
Well, the process of the initial rocket development proved to be quite challenging, with the first three launches of Falcon 9 failing. However, Falcon 9 later emerged as the flagship rocket over the decade, boasting an extraordinary success rate of 99%.
Likewise, this pattern is likely to be mirrored with Starship. With what SpaceX has gained from the explosions of SN8, SN9, SN10, SN11, and most recently SN24, they are undoubtedly well-prepared to address any issues and ensure that Starship avoids further explosions in its upcoming flights.
Stay tuned as we dive and more in this episode of Alpha Tech!
To avoid Starship exploding, SpaceX did this…

Author: MuskMan Editor

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