Elon Musk TERRIFYING STATEMENT Something STRANGE Is Happening On The Moon!

Elon Musk TERRIFYING STATEMENT Something STRANGE Is Happening On The Moon!

Elon Musk is back, and this time he’s got his sights set on the Moon, calling it weirder than we thought. He thinks there’s something seriously strange happening up there, and we’re about to find out why. Is it hiding some strange secrets that have made landing on it so tricky? Here’s the thing, every time a spaceship goes to the Moon, it discovers things that just don’t add up. Why does the Moon keep surprising us? Is there more to it that Musk noticed, and we don’t? Let’s find out what’s going on here.

Elon Musk’s curiosity about the Moon is not unfounded. He has raised eyebrows by suggesting that the Moon isn’t as straightforward as it seems. Recent discoveries have unveiled some oddities on the Moon’s surface, including unexpected elements like brass, Mica, uranium 236, and neptunium 237. These things aren’t found naturally on Earth, mind you. And the Moon rocks? They’ve got ten times more titanium than Earth rocks of the same size.

While everything else in space follows an oval path, the Moon goes in a perfect circle around Earth. It spins at just the right speed to always show us the same side. Therefore, we never get to see its other face. That’s pretty strange, don’t you think? Now, consider the possibility that the Moon might be hollow. Scientists, after careful study, suggest a low-intensity center within the Moon. An impactful NASA experiment in 1969, involving a lunar module crash, revealed an unexpected resonance, likened to a bell ringing. This discovery raises fundamental questions about the Moon’s internal structure.

This natural satellite, despite being a constant presence in our night sky, continues to surprise us. It’s not just a lifeless rock; it has a core that’s been active for a whopping 4.5 billion years. As it cools down, its surface contracts and forms wrinkles, leading to what we call “moonquakes.” Some of these quakes are quite powerful, measuring up to a significant magnitude of 5 on the Richter Scale. You know what the Richter Scale is? Well, it is a measure of the strength of earthquakes. Now, Musk’s idea that the Moon might have joined the cosmic party a bit late isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Between 1969 and 1977, there were reports of 28 quakes on the Moon, with magnitudes ranging from 2 to 5 on the Richter Scale. This discovery challenges the notion of the Moon being a dull, inactive celestial body.

In 2010, NASA’s lunar survey mission revealed a surprising lunar landscape. Those quiet lunar views were used to hide numerous thrust defects, creating a unique stair-like pattern on its surface. Each of these lunar “stairs” stretches for miles and reaches tens of yards in height, raising questions about its geological history.

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Author: MuskMan Editor

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