Somehow Texas Gov finally realized What Elon Musk & SpaceX just did is MINDBLOWING…

Somehow Texas Gov finally realized What Elon Musk & SpaceX just did is MINDBLOWING…

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What Elon Musk and SpaceX just did is more important to Texas Gov think…

“Thank you, South Texas for your support! This is the gateway to Mars.” That’s the tweet Elon Musk posted on X at the end of 2020.
About ten years ago, perhaps no one believed that one of the most remote areas in the US territory like south Texas could become a “Gateway to Mars” as Musk said.
But as you have seen, in less than a decade, this place has one of the most modern rocket launch facilities in the world. During this time, South Texas, especially Boca Chica and Cameron County, also witnessed incredible changes that perhaps the residents here had never thought of before.
So how has SpaceX changed Texas? What they did is probably more important to the Texas government.
Stay tuned as we dive and more in this episode of Alpha Tech!
SpaceX was founded in 2002 in Hawthorne, California. It is considered the biggest headquarters of SpaceX and also the place that witnessed SpaceX’s development in the early days.
But when the Starship project was disclosed, SpaceX did not choose their headquarters to produce and launch this new rocket. Not California, many people would immediately think of Florida, which has the US’s launch centers with bustling launch activities. Surprisingly, Florida is not SpaceX’s choice. Instead, South Texas was their final decision.
At that time, many people wondered why SpaceX decided to choose one of the most remote areas of the country at that time for such an important project. However, if we analyze more closely, we will understand why Texas was chosen.
The first reason is geographical location. Texas is located at the southern tip of the US, meaning it is the closest area to the equator within the US territory. The closer the areas are to the equator, the greater the earth’s rotation speed. Thus, if SpaceX launches the rocket here, they can take advantage of this rotation and convert it into thrust for the rocket, thereby saving more fuel. This would be perfect for launching a big rocket like Starship. In addition, east of the Texas coast is the Gulf of Mexico and the vast Atlantic Ocean. This will avoid impact on human lives and ensure safety if an incident occurs.
Somehow Texas Gov finally realized What Elon Musk & SpaceX just did is MINDBLOWING…

Author: MuskMan Editor

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