Elon Musk reacts to SpaceX’s NEW record SHOCKED all space companies…!

Elon Musk reacts to SpaceX’s NEW record SHOCKED all space companies…!
Sources of image & video:
United Launch Alliance:
Rocket Lab:

Blue Origin:

CNSA Watcher – Archives:
Bryce Tech:
C-bass Productions:
Greg Scott:
Firefly Aerospace:
PLD Space:
Elon Musk reacts to SpaceX’s NEW record SHOCKED all space companies…!
Up to now, for space transportation companies, launching rockets into orbit has been difficult, but carrying additional payload, even if it is only 2 or 3 tons, is even more difficult.
But SpaceX is turning those things into very normal things.
The Falcon rocket line has the advantage of being cheap and reliable, it can launch multiple times with multiple payloads as required.
Not a few dozen tons or a few hundred tons, but so far the Falcon has reached the milestone of transporting 1000 tons into orbit in less than a year of operation.
This has set a new world record that no one has been able to do, shocking everyone. Especially Blue Origin and NASA.
So, where is SpaceX limitation?
How did Elon Musk react?
Stay tuned as we dive and more in this episode of Alpha Tech!

Author: MuskMan Editor

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