Elon Musk’s Genius Solution to expand the tank farm, preps for the next launch…

Elon Musk’s Genius Solution to expand the tank farm, preps for the next launch…
Sources of image & video:
LabPadre Space:


Elon Musk:
Everyday Astronaut:
Starbase Sufer:
Starship Gazer:

Project Road to Mars:
Elon Musk’s Genius Solution to expand the tank farm, preps for the next launch…
Elon Musk declared to replace all the tank farm, preps for the next launch.
In the race against time for the upcoming third orbital test launch of Starship, the entire SpaceX engineering team has joined forces to initiate the first round of repairs, starting with the hardware at Stage 0.
Especially is a significant upgrade coming from the Tank Farm area, where Elon Musk has taken the first actions indicating the replacement of all component tanks in this vital location.
So, how has just the Orbital Tank Farm been changed?
Why SpaceX is shifting to these changes?
Stay tuned as we dive into this episode of Alpha Tech!

Author: MuskMan Editor

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