Elon Musk did not expect this! What China just did surpass SpaceX Starship…

Elon Musk did not expect this! What China just did surpass SpaceX Starship…
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Elon Musk did not expect this! What China just did surpass SpaceX Starship…
When we talk methane rockets, one name invariably leaps to mind—SpaceX’s Starship. It’s the colossus, the titan, the avant-garde ambassador spearheading the methane fuel revolution.
Yet, despite Starship’s colossal stature, SpaceX has faced repeated setbacks in its quest for orbit during integrated test flights. The payload-carrying dream remains elusive. Meanwhile, across the globe, China is staging a seismic showstopper with its Zhuque-2 methane rocket. The achievements they’ve unlocked are sending shockwaves through the aerospace sphere, eclipsing even the front-running SpaceX.
How did China manage this coup? Are SpaceX and Elon Musk feeling the tremors of surprise? What’s Musk’s take on this? The saga unfolds today on an all-new episode of Great SpaceX.
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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