How SpaceX & Elon Musk guarantee Starship Flight #3 will be different!

How SpaceX & Elon Musk guarantee Starship Flight #3 will be different!
Sources of images & videos:

LabPadre Space:

Ryan Hansen Space:
Everyday Astronaut:

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center:

Rocket Lab:
C-bass Productions:
Evan Karen:
Starship Gazer:

Starbase Surfer:
Erc X:
How SpaceX & Elon Musk guarantee Starship Flight #3 will be different!
Hello everyone, and welcome back to today’s episode of Alpha Tech.
As we know, the first launch of Starship ended with a fireball, and its second launch also had the same result.
So, how do SpaceX and Elon Musk guarantee Starship’s third flight will be different?
What do they need to improve in test flight 3?
OK. Let’s jump in!
Elon Musk is a person well-known for his unique philosophy of developing rocket technology.
Test the launch vehicle. Blow it up. Note what went wrong. Fix what went wrong. Repeat until you get something that flies as reliably as an airliner.
Despite being someone who accepts failure, Elon Musk surely wouldn’t want to witness his proud rocket explode for the third time.
That’s why he and SpaceX have made new strides in the Starship program, ensuring that the outcome of the third launch will be different.

Author: MuskMan Editor

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