Crushing Apple With Pi Phone

Elon Musk wants to rule the telecommunication industry. In his latest move to over take nd change the rules in the telecomm industry he has a well thought out plan. First deploy a the best network possible using his other company Space X. Then announce amazing satellite phones that connect to, mention integration with Neuralink then scare the carriers so they have to integrate their network to use his satellites or he will start his own wireless company, all while scaring Apple they need to be on his phones.

There is little mention of Android phones as they don’t manufacturer phones and their software is open source. Meaning Elon Musk could very easily install Android in his phone which may happen. This incentives Apple to make a deal with Elon Musk to either allow their software to be in a non Apple created hardware (which has never happened that I’m aware of), partner and allow Tesla to take over manufacture Apple phones, or simply make phones that work on his network.

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Author: MuskMan Editor

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