Musk Laughs at NASA for Blaming SpaceX and Blue Origin!

NASA is not the same organization that once achieved the monumental feat of landing humans on the Moon with technology less advanced than today’s smartwatches. Today, the reality is completely different. Musk once compared this to the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids and later lost the knowledge of their construction methods. This analogy serves as a warning that without continuous progress, even the most advanced civilizations can lose critical capabilities.
After the Apollo missions, NASA’s focus shifted, and for decades, progress towards returning astronauts to the Moon completely stopped. The agency, having turned its attention away from the Moon after the Cold War, faced a period where even accessing the International Space Station from the US soil became a challenge.
This persisted until SpaceX achieved the feat with its Crew Dragon spacecraft, marking the first time since the Space Shuttle program that astronauts were sent to the International Space Station from the US in 2020.
Recently, NASA appears to be recognizing that it’s falling behind in the space race. At the same time, they seem to be pointing fingers at SpaceX and other private space companies for these difficulties.
In today’s video, we’re going to dive into this topic, but before we get into the details, make sure to subscribe to our channel for more updates like this in the future.
During the recent congressional hearing, former NASA administrator Mike Griffin made headlines when he criticized the agency’s famous Artemis moon program. Griffin’s criticism focused on Artemis 3, NASA’s mission to land astronauts back on the Moon.
In the past, NASA managed all aspects of its space missions by themselves, from designing and building spacecraft to planning and executing the missions. This approach allowed for rapid technological advancements and efficient mission execution. However, NASA’s current strategy heavily relies on private aerospace companies.
Today, companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Boeing play crucial roles in NASA’s missions, providing various services and components. This collaboration has introduced new challenges, such as coordinating with multiple contractors and managing dependencies on external technologies. For example, in the Commercial Crew Program, NASA depends on SpaceX and Boeing for transporting astronauts to the International Space Station. These partnerships have brought financial benefits. For instance, a seat on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon is estimated to cost around $55 million, significantly lower than the $86 million NASA was paying Russia for seats on their Soyuz spacecraft.


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Author: MuskMan Editor

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