Finally! FAA huge Update, SpaceX launching Starship to Orbit this month…

Finally! FAA huge Update, SpaceX launching Starship to Orbit this month…
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Finally! FAA huge Update, SpaceX launching Starship to Orbit this month…
SpaceX aims to launch Starship for the third time this month.
For this to happen, as the company said, the hardware must be ready by January and the FAA must issue the license by February.
However, with the current updates, is that target launch date possible?
Find out everything in today’s episode of Techmap.
First of all, let’s address the elephant in the room: Elon Musk and his timeline. Can’t help but say that unlike his talent and his rich, this guy, well, is pretty bad at predicting timelines. Musk also acknowledged that he’s “often optimistic regarding time,” a tongue-in-cheek reference to his earlier delivery promises that came up short. For example, the Cybertruck was originally slated for delivery in 2021, but it finally rolled out late last year. Another example is Starship. Remember the explosion on OLM in April 2023? The damage on the launch mount is not minor but Elon still tried to soothe the fans’s broken hearts by saying:
“Learned a lot for next test launch in a few months.”
In fact, we had to wait 7 months in total to witness Starship’s Flight 2. To be fair, this delay is partly due to the slow approval of launch permits. But if the launch license factor is excluded, preparations for both the rocket and its ground support system also could not be completed in just a few months as he said. Anyway, entrepreneurs by nature are very optimistic about their ventures else they wouldn’t be doing it.
Nevertheless, there is a truth that the more professional the Starship team is, the closer Elon’s prediction will be to reality. Let me show you.
According to the spokesperson of SpaceX, Jessica Jensen, hardware for Starship Flight three will be ready in January, and the company expects to receive an FAA license in February and shortly after that,
With a fairly clean stage zero and the positive results after Flight 2 combined with the recent positive updates in Starbase, I’m pretty sure that this timeline is possible. Three major factors play here: the license, the launch vehicle itself, and the ground system that supports the launch.
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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