Elon Musk JUST REVEALED Insane SpaceX Landing Site On Mars!

Elon Musk JUST REVEALED Insane SpaceX Landing Site On Mars!

SpaceX is a company that is known for its technology, innovation, and determination to reach Mars! SpaceX is currently working towards a viable plan for the colonization of Mars shortly as the red planet seems to be our best option for the first stop for the expansion of humanity! But heading to Mars is only half the trouble, the other half is figuring out how to land a crew safely in such a hostile atmosphere! So what is the plan Elon Musk has revealed for a landing site on Mars? Is it only an idea or an actual plan in action? Let’s fly into space together and find out!

SpaceX was founded in the year 2002 by Elon Musk to reduce space travel costs. SpaceX would find initial success with their rocket Falcon 1 which was an expendable two-stage-to-orbit-small-lift-launch vehicle, quite an achievement for a Private space transport company with limited funds.

Now going to Mars is no light burden for taxpayers’ and stakeholders’ pockets, so to make this venture affordable, he invented the first-ever reusable rockets! The first tests for these reusable rockets would be carried out in 2015 with the Falcon 9 which was successfully landed back vertically, and in 2017 SpaceX would achieve its first-ever successful relaunch sequence of a landed first-stage rocket. This would eventually be the first stepping stone towards Musk’s goal of colonizing Mars.

#elonmusk #spacex #mars

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Author: MuskMan Editor

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