Is SpaceX building V2 Starship NOW???

Is SpaceX building V2 Starship NOW???
3:04 Increased Performance
4:32 Reduced Dry Mass
6:32 Improved Reliability
7:35 The emergence of Starship V2 has marked a new milestone on SpaceX’s future path.
Is SpaceX building V2 Starship NOW?
Amidst the hustle and bustle of preparing for the fourth Starship launch, SpaceX once again surprises us by unveiling a new piece of Starship hardware. It’s predicted to be a part of Starship V2!
So what is that? Is SpaceX actually building Starship V2 now?
And what can we expect from Starship V2?
Let’s find out on today’s episode of Alpha Tech:
Is SpaceX building V2 Starship NOW???On April 2nd, there was the appearance of two new ring sections outside the Starfactory. Well, can you guess what they are? It’s really fascinating.
Could be a part of the next iteration of Starship?
We can see that they differ from the current design.
Is SpaceX building V2 Starship NOW???Firstly, there’s a difference in the number of rings. Now, the cargo section of Starship consists of 5 rings, but looking at the picture, we see only 3 to 4 rings, indicating a reduction. It’s predicted that SpaceX is shortening the cargo section to build a longer Starship.
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