Russia reveals New Reuse Rocket over 100x to REPLACE SpaceX! Musk laughs…

Russia reveals New Reuse Rocket over 100x to REPLACE SpaceX! Musk laughs…
0:00-0:20: Intro
0:21-2:15: Elon Musk react
2:16-4:57: Amur rocket
4:58-6:03: Falcon 9 is the busiest launch vehicle on the planet
6:04-8:06: Outro
Sources of image & video:
Russia reveals New Reuse Rocket over 100x to REPLACE SpaceX! Musk laughs…
“Bring it on,” Elon Musk just challenged Russia’s space leader, who claimed their new rocket will put Falcon 9 reuse to shame.
So, what is Russia’s new rocket?
How did this new rocket put Falcon 9 to shame?
Is Falcon 9 really at a disadvantage against it?
Let’s find out on today’s episode of Alpha Tech:
Russia reveals New Reuse Rocket over 100x to REPLACE SpaceX! Musk laughs…
The once-praised missile industry sector of Russia is now only a whisper of its former self.
They are experiencing a significant decline due to various factors, including outdated missile teams, government budget cuts, and the war in Ukraine pushing away Western customers. However, it is difficult for the leaders of this country to explain these difficult truths to the Russian people. Russians are justifiably proud of their country’s heritage of space firsts and dominant position in space. Therefore, Russian officials typically try to bluster.
Russia reveals New Reuse Rocket over 100x to REPLACE SpaceX! Musk laughs…
This is something that the head of Roscosmos, Yury Borisov, recently did in a lecture at the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. Before the audience of students and tourists at the museum, Yury Borisov made bold statements about the country’s future rocket launch plans that left us hard to believe.
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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