Why SpaceX Booster Losing Raptor During Launch and Splashdown??? Elon Musk…

Why SpaceX Booster Losing Raptor During Launch and Splashdown Elon Musk…
0:00-0:23: Intro
0:24-4:17: Raptor Fail
4:18-8:34: Why are engines so difficult?
Sources of image & video:
Christian Debney:


LabPadre Space:


Cosmic Perspective:
Everyday Astronaut:

TijnM :

Greg Scott:
Why SpaceX Booster Losing Raptor During Launch and Splashdown Elon Musk…
The roaring of dozens of Raptor engines sounds great! Right?
But wait! As you can see, there is one engine that has suddenly shut down.
So, what happened to SpaceX’s Raptor?
Is it a Big trouble?
Let’s find out on today’s episodes of Alpha Tech:
Rocket engines are the heroes of every space exploration journey, serving as the propulsion force to propel spacecraft beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Their significance lies in their ability to generate the immense thrust needed for liftoff and their precision and reliability throughout the mission. Therefore, having a powerful and efficient operating engine for their vehicles is crucial. SpaceX is a company that highly values this aspect. They have opted to build the most powerful engines for the largest rocket ever constructed – the Raptor engine for the Starship.
Why SpaceX Booster Losing Raptor During Launch and Splashdown Elon Musk…
However, achieving flawless operation for the Raptor, as desired by SpaceX, has not been entirely straightforward.
In the latest launch of Starship, while the result was a major success for all of us and SpaceX when they achieved the landing goals set beforehand, the downside of this success is a gap in the operation of the Raptor engine, which causes some concern.
Right from the moment the Starship rocket ignited and lifted off, the graphics displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen showed an outer ring engine shutting down at the 5th second. SpaceX did not mention this issue, but we can propose some plausible reasons.
SpaceX Starship Raptor LOST During Launch & Landing! Is It A Big Trouble?
First off, let’s review some problems of the engine in previous Starship launches.
After the first Starship launch, SpaceX quickly investigated and identified the root cause of the issue with multiple Raptor engines shutting down in the flight.
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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