Elon Musk just put Tesla stock on “Sale”

Tesla stock is being put on sale by Elon Musk due to the change in the strategy of how and when to deliver new vehicles. This could affect Tesla stock negatively because many analysts look at deliveries and not production. Let’s see what happens to Tesla stock.

About me:
I am a multi millionaire serial entrepreneur & investor and out of all publicly traded stocks the only one I own is Tesla, as crazy as it sounds, I am a fairly conservative investor, I love real estate and S&P 500, but I sold all of my S&P 500 shares to invest into Tesla. I even convinced my brother who is EXTREMELY conservative to invest $100,000 into Tesla. For those really curious, in the beginning of this video you may take a glimpse into my Mint account (AKA, some of my bank accounts) as well as why Tesla will double despite the recession:

The first time I bought Tesla stock was in the beginning of 2019 (adjusted for the current stock split of 2022 August – under $20 dollars per share). I purchased it because at that time for the first time it was absolutely clear to me that Tesla will be profitable and bankruptcy is no longer a concern. My personal belief is that even though the stock went up a lot, I still personally believe it is strongly underpriced, but only if you are a long term investor.

Why I Only Own Tesla Stock:

Why I believe Tesla is a safe investment (“worst” case broken down):

Why I believe Tesla stock will AT LEAST 10x by 2030 (one hour of NO interventions full self driving sped up to 8 minutes):


Proof Tesla Bot Optimus Prime Is Possible NOW:

This is not financial advice and my videos are for entertainment purposes only.

Author: MuskMan Editor

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