Elon Musk reveals INSANE SpaceX Telescope just unlike others & will change the astronomy

Elon Musk reveals INSANE SpaceX Telescope just unlike others & will change the astronomy

Cosmic Perspective:
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SpaceX Starship Telescope revealed that will change astronomy and Shock pro Scientists.

Astronomy is history.
And the Telescope as a time machine.
Because light takes time to travel from one place to another, we see objects not as they are now but as they were at the time when they released the light that has traveled across the universe to us. Astronomers can therefore look farther back through time by studying progressively more-distant objects.

The chief difficulty in employing this “time machine” to observe the cosmos during its past epochs arises from the fact that distant objects appear fainter than closer ones. We must therefore capture and analyze the light from progressively dimmer objects as we push farther back into the past. Specialized instruments are needed to study our nearest neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, which is 2 million light-years away. But this companion of the Milky Way shines a million times more brightly than a similar galaxy seen at a distance of 2 billion light-years! This comparison gives a sense of how difficult it will be to obtain images of objects formed close to the Big Bang era more than 10 billion years ago.

During the past few years, the Hubble Space Telescope has obtained long-exposure images that reveal the faintest objects ever detected. Some of these objects are galaxies seen during their early developmental stages when they were rich in young, hot, and very luminous stars.
Elon Musk reveals INSANE SpaceX Telescope just unlike others & will change the astronomy

Author: MuskMan Editor

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