ELON MUSK: SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launches GOES-U! Update Starship!

LIVE! SpaceX Falcon Heavy GOES-U Launch
#spacex #goesu #falconheavy

Launch for SpaceX Falcon Heavy

Pad : LC-39A
Location : NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA
Rocket : Falcon Heavy

GOES-U will provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s weather, oceans, and environment, as well as real-time mapping of total lightning activity and improved monitoring of solar activity and space weather.
Window opens on June 25th at 5:16PM EDT (21:16 UTC) and lasts for 2 hours)

· SpaceX’s 67th launch of the year and the 10th launch of the month.
· 330th Falcon orbital launch since Amos 6.
· Falcon Heavy’s 10th flight.
· SpaceX’s 85th launch from LC-39A
· 41st landing on LZ-1 out of 42 attempts.
· 11th landing on LZ-2 out of 11 attempts
· 249th and 250th successful landing since the last failed one.

Author: MuskMan Editor

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