Elon Musk: “Tesla Phone Now Available!” We Only Have Limited Stock

Elon Musk Finally Announced: ”Tesla Phone Pi Will Be On Sale From 25 February!”

Elon Musk has achieved unimaginable feats and disrupted numerous industries, from the consumer vehicle market to the aerospace business. The billionaire tech magnate already runs several companies including Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and even Twitter. But what if we told you that Elon, being the revolutionary he is, was entering the smartphone industry too? Yes, that’s a reality now and Tesla’s futuristic phone has just hit the market. Stay tuned till the end of the video to know the details of this cutting-edge piece of technology, and how you can get your hands on one too!

It is no secret by now that when Elon makes his foray into an industry, he likes to dominate it too. A case in point is SpaceX, which was founded by Elon in 2002 with the simple goal of reducing transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars. Fast forward to today, and the company has manufactured several reusable heavy-duty rockets, some of which are the Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Starship launch vehicles. Similarly, Tesla was founded with humble beginnings in 2004, but the company started soaring to new heights after Musk’s mammoth investment of $6.5 million in 2004 and his leadership takeover in 2008. Today, Tesla has reached a market capitalization of over $1 trillion, becoming the 6th US company to do so. With such a record under his belt, it’s easy to predict the success of a company if Elon is involved with it.

Before we talk about the much-anticipated phone, it is also important to know that Tesla isn’t just an EV manufacturing company. You see, Tesla has a few subsidiaries under its name, like Tesla Energy and DeepScale. While Tesla Energy is a clean energy company that manufactures and sells solar energy generation systems and battery energy storage products for consumers, the latter is a subsidiary that designs computational systems which make inferences about its physical environment and is used in Tesla vehicles’ auto-pilot system. However, there is a new Tesla subsidiary in the game, and it’s called Tesla Phones.

Author: MuskMan Editor

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