Good! SpaceX is about to launch Ship 24/B7 to orbit, Elon Musk confirmed…

Good! SpaceX is about to launch Ship 24/B7 to orbit, Elon Musk confirmed…#STARSHIPFANS
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SpaceX’s Starship is close to liftoff!
CEO Elon Musk recently confirmed that it’s “highly likely” SpaceX will be ready to attempt its first orbital Starship launch in November 2022, and possibly as early as late October.

Well, after a series of successful tests of Ship 24 and Booster 7, this time, is Musk’s milestone more reliable?
Let’s analyze all about this in today’s episode of SpaceX Fans:

SpaceX is determined to hold on to its lead in the private space industry!
After literally coming from behind to overtake more prominent and older players, SpaceX is charging ahead by picking up launch contracts from private and government customers.
However, much of the growth of the company is driven by the burning personal ambition of the visionary CEO, Elon Musk! While his desire is to make space travel affordable to all and not only to the uber-rich, Musk’s more serious ambition is to put people that will live there permanently on planet Mars!
To achieve this, Musk is overseeing the development of the most powerful rocket ever; the Starship!
But the monster hasn’t reached orbit.
SpaceX had hoped to conduct the Starship orbital flight test as early as last summer, but delays in development progress and regulatory approval steadily pushed back that timeline.

Positively, that is the valuable time for SpaceX to speed through Starship development like it wanted to destroy as many rockets as possible – which, to some extent, it did.

Rather than spend 6-12 months fiddling with the same few prototypes without a single launch attempt, SpaceX churned out Starships and test articles and aggressively tested them. A few times, SpaceX pushed a little too hard and made avoidable mistakes, but most of the failures produced large amounts of data that were then used to improve future vehicles.

The holy grail of that project was high-altitude Starship flight testing, which saw SpaceX finish, test, and launches a new Starship five times in six months, culminating in the first fully successful high-altitude Starship launch and landing in May 2021.
Good! SpaceX is about to launch Ship 24/B7 to orbit, Elon Musk confirmed…
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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