How Elon Started SpaceX

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There are so many funny stories from the early days of SpaceX. Hope you enjoy this little trip down memory lane. And let me know if I missed anything in the comments!

I am the co-founder of and both of which were funded by Y Combinator (Summer 2012 and Winter 2018).

I’ve been an entrepreneur for the last decade across multiple companies. I’ve done a lot of work in Silicon Valley, so that’s mostly what I talk about. I’ve raised over 10 rounds of venture capital totaling over $100m in funding.

I work mostly in tech-enabled consumer packaged goods, meaning I use software to make the best products possible and then deliver them to the widest possible audience. I’m a big fan of machine learning, python programming, and motion graphics.

Peter Thiel’s Big Bet on Space Manufacturing –
The Only Reason SpaceX Works (Gwynne Shotwell) –

You can get in touch with me via Twitter:

Disclaimer: This video is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as a primary source. I am not a financial advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Always do your own due diligence.

Author: MuskMan Editor

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