How SpaceX’s New-Gen Starship Handle Life Support will blow your mind!

How SpaceX’s New-Gen Starship Handle Life Support will blow your mind!

Huge thanks to:
Evan Karen:
“Space… the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, its five-year mission… to explore strange new words… to seek out new life and new civilizations… to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

These are the words of perhaps the most famous opening lines of narration in all of television history.
And in reality, the race to make humankind a multi-planetary species is being led by SpaceX.
Elon Musk was the first to envision that the next step to human progress was to conquer the stars and colonize another planet. Elon Musk chose the red planet ―Mars as the first target for human colonization.
With the upcoming first Starship orbital flight, he’s getting closer and closer to what some consider a pipe dream.
However, in order to make human life multi-planetary, things become much more complicated. They must first figure out how to support life on Starship. Life support in space has never been easy, especially keeping hundreds of people alive and healthy on Starship!
How will they handle it?
Let’s bore deeper into How SpaceX’s New-Gen Starship Will Handle Life Support:

While the Starship is designed to send the first humans to Mars on another daring mission, creative expression has also emerged early as a possibility thanks to the Starship’s large pressurized cabin space.

Musk described the space edifice as measuring more than 1,000 cubic meters, larger than an Airbus A380 that can seat between 400 and 600 people. Musk has explained each cabin could comfortably hold two or three people, and zero-gravity allows the designers to use every surface more.

Besides, on Starship’s official user’s guide, SpaceX mentions that the crew configuration of Starship includes large common areas, centralized storage, solar storm shelters, and a viewing gallery.

To better visualize, let’s take a look at the concept for the interior layout of Starship made by the famous Canadian design engineer Michel Lamontagne.

The design divides the living space into 7 decks, labeled A to G, from the bottom up. There are two openings between decks, offset slightly from one deck to the next, to reduce the risk of accidents related to trying to “fly” through multiple decks while in zero-G. There are removable rails around the openings, to prevent accidental falls while on Earth or Mars. All decks have a 2.2m high living space, except Deck G, which is 2.16m high. The blue bars in some areas are examples of hand and footholds they use on the International Space Station (ISS).
The floors are shown with hexagonal tiles, to indicate a system that will allow wall partitions and other items to be attached or removed to meet the tastes and needs of passengers.
How SpaceX’s New-Gen Starship Handle Life Support will blow your mind!

Author: MuskMan Editor

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