It Happened! Elon Musk CONFIRMS 4680 Tesla Battery Win Toyota Solid State Battery !

It Happened! Elon Musk CONFIRMS 4680 Tesla Battery Win Toyota Solid State Battery !
02:44 So who will win in energy density?
04:22 So what about the energy density of Toyota’s solid-state battery?
06:06 So, how do the charge times of the 4680 battery and Toyota’s solid-state battery compare?
09:25 So, why are solid-state batteries so much more expensive than Tesla’s 4680 cells?
11:48 Now for safety, Which battery technology is safer for electric vehicles?
It Happened! Elon Musk CONFIRMS 4680 Tesla Battery Win Toyota Solid State Battery ! EV expert, Sandy Munro once remarked that solid-state batteries are the “kiss of death” for gasoline and diesel, meaning they pose a significant threat to Tesla’s 4680 batteries.
It Happened! Elon Musk CONFIRMS 4680 Tesla Battery Win Toyota Solid State Battery ! With the superior power of solid-state batteries, Toyota is confident it can regain its lost position from Elon Musk, boasting a range of 700 miles and a full charge in 10 minutes. If these criteria are met, solid-state battery cells will be a major breakthrough. However, solid-state batteries still face a significant issue.
It Happened! Elon Musk CONFIRMS 4680 Tesla Battery Win Toyota Solid State Battery ! So, between Tesla’s 4680 batteries and Toyota’s solid-state batteries, who will be the king?

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Author: MuskMan Editor

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