It Happened! Elon Musk Just Announced Huge Major Plan Change. Starbase SURGING…

It Happened! Elon Musk Just Announced Huge Major Plan Change. Starbase SURGING…
00:00: Intro
00:39: SpaceX headquarters relocation
01:46: The decision’s reasons
04:42: Benefits for Starship and other SpaceX’s system
09:46: Conclusion
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It Happened! Elon Musk Just Announced Huge Major Plan Change. Starbase SURGING…
As the saying goes: Nothing lasts forever.
For the past 22 years, California has been the home of SpaceX, the world’s most powerful aerospace company. But times have changed, and a new chapter is beginning. SpaceX is leaving its birthplace to reach the promised land where they are building the Gateway to Mars: Starbase, Texas.
Exciting opportunities await them there.
So, why did SpaceX move its headquarters? How will this impact their systems, especially Starship? Let’s find out on today’s episode of Great SpaceX!
For any company, the headquarters is the brain, the place that directs all activities of the entire system. For SpaceX, it has been Hawthorne, California. Twenty-two years is certainly proof of the strong relationship between the company and the state.
It Happened! Elon Musk Just Announced Huge Major Plan Change. Starbase SURGING…
But over time, many things have changed. The remarkable growth of SpaceX has led to a shift in development strategy. Along with prominent issues in recent years, California’s policies may no longer suit SpaceX.
That’s why Elon Musk recently announced the headquarters relocation for his companies, including SpaceX and X. On X, Elon Musk declared: “SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas,” and added another decision: “And X HQ will move to Austin.”
Oh my god! This is certainly one of the most important decisions Elon Musk has made in the past few years. While we still await official announcements from the companies, the revelation from their founder is likely enough for us to believe in the upcoming change.
It Happened! Elon Musk Just Announced Huge Major Plan Change. Starbase SURGING…
Along with these decisions, Elon Musk provided explanations.
For X, he primarily cited social security issues: “Have had enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building.”
As for SpaceX, the catalyst is the new policy announced by California Governor Gavin Newsom. Specifically, he signed AB1955, which bans schools from making rules requiring parental notification if a child identifies as transgender. According to Elon Musk, “This is the final straw.” He added, “Because of this law and the many others that precede it, attacking both families and companies.” This reasoning likely applies to X as well.
In fact, this is not the first time Elon Musk has shown such decisiveness. Below the tweet related to SpaceX, Musk stated, “I did make it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children.”
In addition to the aforementioned reasons, these headquarters relocations are likely influenced by factors related to Musk’s stance in the upcoming presidential election. In previous elections, Musk did not publicly announce his choice. In the 2020 election, he voted for President Joe Biden. But this time, Musk might switch to supporting Donald Trump, as indicated by his recent tweet: “I fully endorse President Trump.”
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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