IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk Revealed INSANE Invention Could Boost Solar Cell Efficiency to 90%,Only $1.21

IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk Revealed INSANE Invention Could Boost Solar Cell Efficiency to 90%,Only $1.21
Fanatical Futurist
Valldoreix Greenpower
Fraunhofer ISE
Baker Electric Home Energy
Sumitomo Electric Group
Even with the great and continuous advances in solar technology, their efficiency is only in the range of 15–22% depending on factors such as location, direction, and weather conditions. Have you ever wondered how we can efficiently collect energy from sunlight coming from varying angles from sunrise to sunset? Instead of creating more efficient solar cells, Stanford University scientists have created a breakthrough technology that can capture more than 90% of light. So what exactly is this impressive technology? And how is it applied?

Let’s find out in today’s episode of Tesla Car World!
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Solar panels work best when sunlight hits them directly to capture as much energy as possible.
For the vast majority of U.S. property owners, the ideal angle for a solar panel installation is close to or equal to the latitude of your home (on a south-facing roof), somewhere between 30 degrees and 45 degrees. Tilt angle deviations of up to 10° in relation to the optimum tilt angle have less than a 1% impact on the incoming solar irradiation. If the tilt angle deviations are in the order of 31° to 33°, the solar panel produces 10% less energy.
Moreover, a house built in the direction of less sunlight will only collect energy with an efficiency of about 10%. Solar panels will not operate at maximum production when clouds are blocking the sun, and they will not produce electricity when there is no available sunlight during nighttime hours.

At Stanford University, engineering researcher Nina Vaidya designed an elegant device that can efficiently gather and concentrate light that falls on it, regardless of the angle and frequency of that light, which they called the AGILE—an acronym for Axially Graded Index Lens. It looks like an upside-down pyramid with the point lopped off. Light enters the square, tile-able top from any number of angles and is funneled down to create a brighter spot at the output.
IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk Revealed INSANE Invention Could Boost Solar Cell Efficiency to 90%,Only $1.21

Author: MuskMan Editor

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