IT HAPPENED! ISRO’s Gigantic Rocket Entry to SMASH SpaceX & Elon Musk…

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IT HAPPENED! ISRO’s Gigantic Rocket Entry to SMASH SpaceX & Elon Musk…
As India eyes setting up its own space station by 2035, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is developing its Next-Generation Launch Vehicle to barge into Elon Musk’s zone!!!

Chairman of the ISRO, Dr. S Somanath, has revealed the ongoing development of a Next-Gen Launch Vehicle (NGLV) to replace the decades-old Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLV) that have been the backbone of several of the Indian space agency’s missions.
“PSLV has to retire – today, tomorrow, or a decade later. PSLV is a 1980s-era technology and can’t be used for missions in the 2030s. It is not correct.” Somanath said during his keynote address at the three-day ‘Engineers Conclave-2022’, which opened at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Valiyamala, in Thiruvananthapuram on October 13.
The PSLVs will be replaced by the under-development NGLV, which ISRO views as a cost-efficient, three-stage to-orbit, reusable heavy-lift vehicle with a payload capability of ten tons to Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO).
“We are working on a new-generation launch vehicle of India, which should be better in terms of cost, re-usability, manufacturing process, and possible to produce faster,” Somnath said without providing any further details about the current progress and timelines.
The NGLV will be propelled by cost-effective and more efficient semi-cryogenic propulsion comprising refined kerosene as fuel and liquid oxygen as an oxidizer for the booster stages.
The NGLV will reportedly have a simple and robust design to realize bulk manufacturing, modularity in systems, sub-systems, and stages, and minimal turnaround time. It will potentially be used for launching communication satellites, deep space missions, future human spaceflight, and cargo missions.
“We believe at least 10-ton capability to GTO is needed. Correspondingly, the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) capability will be twice that. However, payload capability will be lower when the rocket is reusable,” Somanath said.
This is because, in a reusable launch vehicle, the vehicle has to be slowed down for re-entry into the atmosphere and then landing. Some fuel has to be reserved for recovery, which cannot be used for forwarding thrust toward orbit, thus, reducing the payload capacity.
IT HAPPENED! ISRO’s Gigantic Rocket Entry to SMASH SpaceX & Elon Musk…
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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