Russia’s engines are out of in US. Antares last launch, SpaceX to save NASA again!

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Russia’s engines are out of in US. Antares last launch, SpaceX to save NASA again!
Russia engine out of U.S. SpaceX saves NASA again!

The Soviet Union was the original space superpower. For decades it and then Russia led the world in key technologies for operating beyond the Earth.
Pitifully, its lineage and lore are the only things that have remained powerful, for Russian space is not as glorious as it once was!
The former premier space pioneering nation is making shameful setbacks in a field it once dominated, now “rotting from within.”
And as the influence of the Russian space industry wanes, Elon Musk’s SpaceX is becoming the big boss of this industry.
Most recently, a Cygnus cargo spacecraft launched to the International Space Station on the final flight of a version of an Antares rocket that includes Russian and Ukrainian components.
To fulfill the multibillion-dollar contracts with NASA to deliver supplies and experiments to the space station, it’s clear that SpaceX was the only viable option for Northrop Grumman.
Yeah, SpaceX once again saves NASA from Russia!
Let’s take a look and examine the Soviet Union and Russia’s fall from grace from being the world’s top space-venturing enterprise to now being the laughingstock of the industry, only on today’s episode of Great SpaceX!
Russia’s engines are out of in US. Antares last launch, SpaceX to save NASA again!
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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