SpaceX is ready for Starship Flight-4 fully stack! New FAA progress…

SpaceX is ready for Starship Flight-4 fully stack! New FAA progress…
00:00 – 00:38: Introduction
00:38 – 03:54: Flight 4 hardware update
03:55 – 06:32: FAA’s progress and update
06:33 – 09:51: Rocket Lab’s reuse plan
09:52 – 10:05: Outro

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SpaceX is ready for Starship Flight-4 fully stack! New FAA progress…
Launching in May, the eagerly anticipated Starship Flight 4 is drawing near, bringing SpaceX leaders’ ambitious goals into focus. With the deadline fast approaching, SpaceX engineers are dedicating themselves tirelessly to ensure the full-stack is ready for testing prior to the flight. Concurrently, recent updates from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have surfaced, potentially impacting SpaceX’s future plans.
Join us today on another episode of Great SpaceX as we delve into these developments and their implications.
SpaceX is ready for Starship Flight-4 fully stack! New FAA progress…In late March and early April, crucial testing activities involving Flight 4 hardware were intensively escalated. The S29 underwent two static fire tests on March 25 and 27, followed by the B11 completing a similar test on April 5.
Following these tests, the S29 was rolled back to the High Bay. Shortly thereafter, noticeable changes were observed as the heat shields in the nose cone were removed. Recent images from What About It depict the installation of new heat shields in this section. Moreover, on April 4, during the transition of S29 to make room for S30, it became apparent that many areas on the hull of S29 no longer featured heat shields; even the attachment pins were removed. This suggests a comprehensive effort by SpaceX is ready for Starship Flight-4 fully stack! New FAA progress…SpaceX to enhance details related to the heat shield—a component that encountered significant challenges during Flight 3. This focus is crucial, considering that the primary objective of Flight 4 with S29 will involve re-entry and splashdown. Elon Musk recently articulated the goal for Flight 4 as “get through high heating regime and smash into the ocean at a controlled spot,” underscoring the importance of addressing heat shield concerns.
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Author: MuskMan Editor

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