Why Russia’s rocket is falling FAR behind SpaceX and Elon Musk…

Why Russia’s rocket is falling FAR behind SpaceX and Elon Musk…
Sources of Images and Videos:
Cosmic Perspective:
Everyday Astronaut:
Greg Scott :
John Kraus:
Roscosmos TV:
ISRO Official:
C-bass Productions:
Ryan Hansen Space:
CNSA Watcher – Archives :

Why Russia’s rocket is falling FAR behind SpaceX and Elon Musk…
SpaceX launched nearly 100 missions in 2023; meanwhile, Russia only launched 19 missions with all their vehicles.
But for sure, SpaceX’s limitations will not stop at 100.
To be honest, what SpaceX just did in 2023 was obviously phenomenal. All eyes are on Russia, and wonder: What exactly happened to Rocosmos and Russia’s rocket?
Why Russia falling so far behind SpaceX and Elon Musk so fast?
Stay tuned as we dive and more in today’s episode of Alpha Tech!

Author: MuskMan Editor

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